Our periodontists and team stay on the cutting-edge of periodontal treatment in order to provide you with services that are easier, more effective and more efficient. As part of this commitment, our practice uses a perioscope when treating gum disease to help us more effectively clean periodontal pockets and enhance your treatment.
A perioscope is a state-of-the-art device that reduces the need for surgery in patients who are susceptible to, or who have already been diagnosed with gum disease. Perioscopes use magnification and ultrasonic instruments to provide you with a minimally invasive periodontal cleaning that will improve your oral health. This means that you will not need to endure any incisions or sutures in order to receive your treatment, giving you a quicker recovery time following your procedure as well as a more comfortable overall experience.
As periodontal disease has been linked to a number of serious medical conditions, including heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and pregnancy complications, we encourage you to visit our office as soon as you have any concern about gum disease.
For more information about our perioscope technology in Las Vegas, Henderson and Summerlin, Nevada, and to schedule your consultation with our experienced periodontists, Dr. Ryan Gifford, Dr. David Trylovich, Dr. Brian Mantor, Dr. Dane Swenson or Dr. Dale Irving, please contact Periodontics Limited today.